Quick Logistics Calculator and Other Advantages of Globy

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There are marketplaces where you can find a large variety of products: agriculture, household chemicals, clothing, household appliances, metallurgy, furniture, fashion accessories, and much more. It is convenient that you can pick up products and purchase them on one site. Today, we introduce to you Globy, where more than 40 thousand suppliers and buyers have already been registered. The site has an SR (Sourcing Request) tool that helps customers quickly find vendors.

The fact is that Globy has a special SR catalog where you can leave your request for a quote (abbreviated RFQ). This is necessary in order to find a specific product that is not in the catalog or is urgently needed. You will be able to save time and receive several offers from suppliers according to your request in a few hours. Suppliers will see the notifications and will know about your request immediately.

If you can quickly negotiate with the seller, you can use another useful tool that allows you to calculate the cost of shipping by sea. We will talk about the quick logistics calculator next. We will also describe the Globy platform, highlight the main advantages, and tell you why this marketplace is in such demand.

Professional Logistics for Business

Globy has a special tool that allows you to calculate freight by sea. You can get exclusive shipping rates offered by suppliers. This allows you to order goods in countries located on other continents. The tool does not give accurate estimates. It gives an approximate value that can be used when discussing prices with the charterer.

Working with the tool is very simple. You need to choose the place of shipment with an exact indication of the port. Also, you would choose the place where you are going to receive the cargo. It is necessary to select the date when the containers will be ready for loading. Below is a list of countries. If you haven’t found the country you need, start typing the name of the state and find it in the drop-down list. You should keep in mind that you can use the calculator for free. You don’t need to pay any fees.

The search is based on bids from 50 leading companies (Hapag-Lloyd, CMA, Maersk, MSC) engaged in shipping containers by ocean. Today, there are more than 2,000 ports available for sending and receiving goods in Asia, the European region, and America. You can focus on the delivery time and cost when concluding a contract with a service provider. You will be able to choose the best option using automatic sorting on the site.

Why Globy Is Better

There are more and more places on the internet where you can order goods in bulk, but some marketplaces continue to be in high demand. The fact is that companies like Globy offer excellent start-up conditions for novice vendors. First, you need to register and enter information about your company. Then, the seller creates product cards and fills them out in accordance with the regulations. How would you find the first buyers? It turns out it’s pretty simple on Globy.

Product cards will be advertised on social media and in search engines for free so that you can get your first customers. The action of the promotion is limited, so then you will have to take care of advertising yourself. You can place products in different marketplaces, in which case you will get an increased chance of selling your products. Next, we will list the advantages of Globy that are most often cited:

  • a wide selection of suppliers;
  • worldwide cargo delivery;
  • the SR tool;
  • calculator for fast logistics;
  • easy management on the website, etc.

You can contact the buyers directly yourself as it is not prohibited. At the moment, they may need your raw materials or finished products. You should keep an eye on the RFQ to know about urgent ones on the site. There are vendors on the Globy website who work directly with manufacturers, and there are speculators. When making transactions, it is recommended to keep in mind that you need to follow the rules of internet security. Transfer money only to official accounts and always check the supplier’s documents.

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